Stress & Burnout
Some stress is good. It can help us to achieve goals and can motivate behaviour. The stress of a deadline, an exam, a presentation or a particularly busy time at work or school can be energising. And once the stressful period has ended, this can create feelings of satisfaction and self efficacy. It can also make us more motivated to tackle challenges in the future as we have set the precedent for ourselves that we can do it.
Chronic stress, however, can have detrimental effects on physical and emotional well being and can adversely affect our relationships and ability to cope with life. Chronic stress can deplete us.
Burnout and stress are similar, but not the same thing. Long term stress can lead to emotional and physical burnout. This is characterised by exhaustion, difficulty focusing, lack of motivation, inability to complete tasks you were previously able to, feeling empty, lacking purpose or feeling irritable and low.
A lot of the time, the signs of burnout can creep up on you. You may be the sort of person who is used to just soldiering on, but it can be the subtle things that family members notice that often give important clues to the possibility that burnout might be looming. You might be more snappy, easily annoyed, want to withdraw and be alone. You might find yourself having more conflict with loved ones and/or friends. Maybe you have some trouble sleeping?
Seeking help is important and is a sign of bravery and wisdom. Just like an athlete wouldn’t go into competition without a support team, neither should people in our modern day world living high pressure lives with high pressure jobs, pressure at school and additional family responsibilities. It is no wonder so many of us feel overwhelmed.
One of my aims at Sea Change Therapy is to go on a journey with you as you get to know yourself and become very clear about your values. We can begin to understand those parts of you that push so hard, that need to be so organised and in control. We can understand why you might feel so overwhelmed and together we can create actionable steps to help you live according to your values and to create a more sustainable way of living.
What fees can I expect?
Fees are payable at the time of your appointment. Face to face appointments require payment, in person, at your visit. This payment can be made via credit card, debit card or EFTPOS. Telehealth consultations also require payment at the time of your visit via credit card. Once payment is made, you will be issued with an invoice including the item number for the service provided and my provider number. This will allow you to access a Medicare Rebate for your session.
Medicare rebates can be obtained by using the Express Plus Medicare App or via your Medicare Online Account on mygov. Visit our fees and referral page for more.
Are there appointments available out of work hours?
Typical opening hours are from 8-5pm. Telehealth appointments are available and after hours appointments can be arranged on occasion by speaking with me directly.
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